Welcome to Aditya Met Associates


The Matter That Matters the Most

‘GREENING’ by Zeroing on ‘CO2appears to be ‘WHITEWASHING’

H2O (10,000-20,000 ppm) has higher absorptivity/emissivity & wider implications.
It is much more potent GHG than CO2 (~ 425ppm).

Our Vision

To be the front runner in providing solution to increase energy efficiency, enhance productivity, and improve environmental orderliness in metals & other energy-intensive industries.

Our Mission

Value creation by providing innovative and most cost-effective solutions to enhance energy efficiency & productivity, and bring in the environmental order in metals & other energy-intensive industries.

To deploy the resources therefrom in education, environmental & other initiatives for sustainability as a TRUSTEE for the society.


  • Thinking Globally, Acting Locally
  • Consistent & Sustainable Developments
  • Distinctive Solutions by Innovations
  • Collaborative Approach as the Key

Our U.S.Ps.

  • Novelty in Energy & Environmental Efficiency
  • Visualizing Invisibles
  • Maximising Values to All Stake Holders
  • Collaborations & Teamwork (‘Win-Win’)
  • Customers' Delight & Lasting Relationship

The Matter That Matters the Most

Today Most of the envtl. adversities (Droughts & Heat Waves, Heavy Rains & Cloud Bursts, Storms & Cyclones, Floods & Landslides) are caused by H20 - principally the water vapour, rising from all surfaces (land and water bodies) all along, on receiving radiative heat from the sun. Its environmental impact is three-fold.

Firstly, H20, being in the highest volume (%v/v) among all GHGs. in air & having higher absorption capacity compared with CO2, it absorbs max. heat by radiation compared with all other gases.

Secondly, it gives away the absorbed heat with similar efficacy, in all directions, including the land & water body below (from lower half of the radiating gas/vapour body).

Thirdly, the more prominent GHG i.e. the water vapour, exerts the ‘Green House Effect’ for the entrapped heat, below this mixed vapour body (>> 15,000ppm at such locations). As a result, it has drying, and thereafter, faster heating effects on the land mass. On water bodies, there is surface heating, both culminating into increased vapourisation. This has compounding effect. CO2 (425ppm), on the other hand, is relatively a noble gas from such points of view.

All above phenomena have been there from millions of years. But the balancing acts by nature had all along been more dominant. As a result, surplus CO2 used to be created, which were deposited in the form of coal mines, oil & gas reserves etc. But alas, we in our time, are trying to burry our deeds in such places, apart from littering our land, water bodies and the air alike.

The Matter That...

Insatiable need of Energy & other resources is straining the supply systems. The wastes generated in the process keep loading the environment. Corrective & preventive actions for the CLIMATE IMPACTS are compelling. Abandoning fossil fuels & mineral resources, their infra & production units of crucial products are self-defeating in the hours of their greatest need for ENERGY TRANSITION. These are, in fact, required in greater measure and in more befitting manner (upgrading & LIFE EXTENSION) to navigate during the more challenging periods ahead.

The Matter That...

Two of the most energy-intensive & environmentally forbidding sectors required to operate at full steam during the energy transition are:

  1. STEEL MAKING in Integrated I & S plants using BFs. - C.O. for Higher Production.
  2. ELECTRICITY Generation from fossil fuel fired T.P.Ps. for High Turn-Down Ratios

Who We Are

We are specialised in energy and environmental efficiency enhancements in utilities and metal industries. We provide innovative consultancy and engineering services to the energy-intensive & environmentally unkind industries.

Novelty, cost-effectiveness, teamwork, and the customers’ delight have been our guiding principles.

We strive to offer the distinctive solutions struck by us to our partner(s), which have not been in the public domain.

Working on the collaborative principles and ‘WIN-WIN’ philosophy, the sum, is always more than its parts. This provides lasting relationships among all the stake holders.


The undertaking is in Jamshedpur, the birthplace of Iron & Steel Industry in India (1911), which has blossomed into TATA Steel’s 10+ Mtpa fully integrated I & S manufacturing facility.

With the imbibed culture and involvements, our firm’s inherent interests are in the energy-intensive and, rather environmentally negative, metallurgical & power industries.

Aditya Met Associates started its journey in 2010, with the products for, and services in, such units in India as well as other countries.

Some of our ‘PRODUCTS & SERVICES’ are cited below.

Products & Services

* Energy & Process Transitions in B.F.–C.O. Based Integrated Iron & Steel Plants.

* Reduction in Waste Heat Discharged from Condensing Steam Turbines to Enhance Thermal Efficiency & Output.

* Novel Way to minimise Heterogeneity in Sinter Quality from Iron-Ore Sintering Beds. Enhance Energy Efficiency & Productivity, and minimise emissions including DIOXIN.

* Marked Improvement in Performance Indices of Blast Furnace by multitude of initiatives.

* In-situ Preheating & Prereduction of Chromite & and Mn Ores to Augment Energy Utilisation and Productivity of Submerged Arc Furnaces.

  • Solution-oriented Audits of Energy & Envt., addressing primarily the GHG issues
  • Performance Improvements in Thermal Systems & ENCON Services


Currently, we are focussed on the issues related with ENERGY TRANSITION, dealt aptly in the WHITE PAPER on ‘Environment's Trajectory & Energy Transition’ linked herein.

Drilling down in to it, the two most pertinent energy-intensive, and environmentally arduous areas, were identified for mitigation. These are detailed in the other two WHITE PAPERS, linked below:

* Energy & Process Transition in B.F.-C.O. Based Integrated Iron & Steel Plants.

Quo Vadis (Latin Phrase): Where we go?


We, individually as well as collectively, must leave behind us, our positive foot prints on this finite planet.

P K Mishra
C.E.O., Aditya Met Associates

Last updated: 15 AUG 2024.

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